Canva is one of the most popular online design platforms in the world. It has a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features to help you create a professional-looking website or blog.

Canva has a wide range of templates and tools to help you create a professional-looking website or blog. You can create a website or blog in minutes using its drag-and-drop interface. You can also use its built-in tools to customize your website or blog design.

Canva also has a wide range of features to help you create a professional-looking website or blog. You can use its drag-and-drop interface to

If you're a student this is a secret canva is a graphic design platform,

where you can edit your cv, and you can create photos for your social

media beautiful presentations. And it is for free however they do have a pro version.

Today I'm going to share with you how you can get the pro version for free if you're a student. The first thing that you're going to do is go on google and type Github developer student pack, you're going to click on the first link then if you scroll down you will see that they have different offers and one of them, is canva pro you can get canvas Pro for free for a year which is 12 months, everything you have to do is click on get your pack you have to create an account with the email of the institution.

Where you're starting in my case it would be my University, so you click on create an account once you've chosen a username once you've written down your email address from your university, and you've chosen a password you're going to create an account. I'm going to skip this set because I just created my account. Once you've created your account you have to verify your email.

Now you're going to login into your account then you're going to go to the github student developer pack, you're going to scroll down and go to the canva offer and go to the section to get access by connecting your github account. 

On canva you're going to click on that or what you can do you can type the address education.

Github now you're going to sign in with your Github account. The next thing they have to do is authorize access and now you're in you have canva pro for Free for a year.

The great thing about canvas pro is that you can use any type of font that you want to or you can even export your own font. I'm going to show you an example.

If I scroll down and I want to use cerebri font you can see on the screen, that this font is from canva pro, however. I have the canva pro version I can use. It is pretty cool now. we'll move into the most interesting part you can upload your own font you just click on upload font of course.

This is a feature that is only available on the canva pro version, that's why you should get canva pro for free. If you're a student by following the whole tutorial that I just gave you, click on upload font and you will confirm that you want to upload that font.

Right now I'm just uploading my files and I will have the fun that I want to use on my canva pro version. If you found this article useful, give it a thumbs up.

And share with your friends, so that they can also get kind of a pro for free. if you want to see more articles like this one on my blog and activate the notification bell so you will be the first one to know whenever I upload a new article. I have a series right now that I share with you.

I'll leave you all of the links of my

social media if you want to go and

follow me there I also have a blog that you can go to

where I share with you my experience studying abroad in France thanks

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